According to the information shared by the company, under certain conditions, vehicles with Drive Pilot will be able to follow a vehicle ahead on highways at speeds of up to 95 kilometers per hour.
Mercedes-Benz announced in a post that it has updated its conditional automated driving system DRIVE PILOT. According to the company, the conditional automated driving system Drive Pilot was subsequently approved by the German Federal Motor Transport Authority. With this development, Mercedes-Benz signaled that Drive Pilot will be available in Germany in early 2025.

According to the information shared by the company, under certain conditions, vehicles with Drive Pilot will be able to follow a vehicle in front at speeds of up to 95 kilometers per hour on highways. In fact, until now, the maximum speed at which Mercedes-Benz vehicles equipped with Drive Pilot could be used was limited to 60 kilometers per hour. Mercedes-Benz is currently working on extending the system to 130 kilometers per hour.