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5 important information you should know before opening a limited liability company in Poland by Adwisen law firm

🔎Accurate and correct completion of documents is crucial in the process of establishing a limited liability company. Errors made during registration may delay it or even make it impossible.

We have prepared a list of the most common mistakes – check what to watch out for!

🚫Incorrect company name
Before choosing a name for the company, check whether another company uses the same name.
The company name cannot also contain certain words that are reserved for companies with special rights. Such terms include, for example: bank or law firm.
🚫Incorrect PKD codes
When registering a company, you must provide Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) codes. The predominant activity code must be provided. There are also codes that a limited liability company cannot use. Marking the prohibited PKD code will result in the rejection of the company registration application by the National Court Register.
🚫Failure to meet deadlines
You have 7 days to submit an application for entry in the National Court Register from the date of concluding the company agreement (if the agreement was concluded online in the S24 system) or 6 months (if the agreement was concluded in the form of a notarial deed). Failure to meet the deadline for submitting the application results in the company agreement being terminated.
🚫Incorrect choice of court
The competent registry court covers the address where the company’s registered office is located. However – incorrect identification of the court competent to hear the case will not result in your application being rejected. The court that received the application is obliged to transfer the case to the territorially competent court, which will result in a delay in registering the company in the National Court Register.
🚫Omission of required attachments
In addition to the company agreement, there are several other documents to  be submitted to the Court, e.g.: declaration that the contributions were made in full by all shareholders, list of shareholders, statement on the correspondence addresses of the shareholders and board members. It is also necessary to pay a court fee.

✅If you have questions or doubts regarding the registration of a limited liability company in Poland – do not hesitate and contact Adwisen! We offer professional support with every step of the process.

Source :
Source : Adwisen Legan

automatyzacja sił sprzedaży


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